Sam Valiquette

Web Engineer

I design and build web products. Resume Github LinkedIn

Past Work

A screenshot of the LearnVest Money Center, a web app to link financial accounts and track your budget.
A screenshot of the LearnVest Money Center, a web app to link financial accounts and track your budget.
A screenshot of the LearnVest Money Center, a web app to link financial accounts and track your budget.
A screenshot of the LearnVest Money Center, a web app to link financial accounts and track your budget.
A screenshot of Vidddeo, an unreleased web-based 3D video tool.
A screenshot of Vidddeo, an unreleased web-based 3D video tool.
A screenshot of Friend Groyp, a web app to faciliate community activism.
A screenshot of Friend Groyp, a web app to faciliate community activism.
A screenshot of ClipSnip, a Chrome extension to record small clips from YouTube videos.
A screenshot of ClipSnip, a Chrome extension to record small clips from YouTube videos.